New equipment arriving in June 2019 - mass spectrometry

New equipment arriving in June 2019 - mass spectrometry

On 18 June 2019, the MALDI-TOF Rapiflex TissueTyper mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) and the HTX M5 sprayer preparation robot (HTX Technologies) arrived at the laboratory.

Funded by ARD Biomedicaments (CPER) and INRAE, the MALDI-TOF Rapiflex TissueTyper mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) and the HTX M5 sprayer preparation robot (HTX Technologies) will enable various applications in proteomics and lipidomics.
Different approaches will be able to be carried out with greater robustness and speed of analysis such as :
- the phenotyping of eukaryotic cells, by direct analysis of whole and intact cells, for biomarker research and the development of diagnostic tests
- the phenotyping of prokaryotic cells for the identification of micro-organisms (activity in partnership with the CIRM)
- molecular imaging from large tissue sections,
- structural characterisation of biomolecules (measurements of intact and whole masses, peptide mapping) .