Animal ethic

Animal ethic

Ethics are at the heart of the PIXANIM platform's concerns in animal research.

Ethics are at the heart of the PIXANIM platform's concerns in animal research. It is based on the 3Rs principle which consists of Replacing, Reducing and Refining the use of animals for scientific purposes.

Any research project carried out at PIXANIM requiring the use of animal experimentation must be the subject of a prior and favourable ethical evaluation delivered by an approved ethics committee (Ethics Committee in animal experimentation Val de Loire, CEEA-019). The committee's ethical assessments are carried out in accordance with the principles set out in European Directive 2010/63/EU and the national charter on the ethics of animal experimentation. The project is then authorised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. This authorisation procedure is defined by decree n°2013-118 of 1 February 2013, which transcribes directive 2010/63 into French law.

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The housing of animals (sheep, pigs) by the PIXANIM platform is done within the framework of an approval issued by the DDPP (Departmental Directorate of Protection of Populations) which ensures that the animals are housed in compliance with the rules of animal welfare.

The PIXANIM platform has a SBEA (Animal Welfare Structure ) whose mission is to monitor the projects during their implementation and to ensure the animal welfare during the projects. The PIXANIM platform also participates in INRAE working groups aiming at the design of new methods of evaluation of animal welfare to improve it in the farms.

The PIXANIM platform team can assist a project leader in drafting the project authorisation application for the parts specifically related to the platform's activities and facilities.

For more information :

Site internet du Ministère de la Recherche et l'Enseignement Supérieur

Site internet du Gircor, groupe interprofessionnel de réflexion et de communication sur la recherche.

Site internet du réseau des Structures de bien-être animal et des Comités d’éthique en expérimentation animale