Un seul site
Infrastructures & Equipements

Infrastructures & Equipements

With more than 1000 m2 of facilities, the PIXANIM platform combines all its strengths on one single site.

The infrastructures of the PIXANIM platform include :

  •     facilities for the reception, accommodation and monitoring of animals, adapted to different animal species
  •     rooms dedicated to interventional physiology for training purposes
  •     laboratories
  •     equipments.

All of these facilities have technical installations and equipment necessary for their operation according to experimental and/or analytical needs.

Reception of animals, accommodation and interventional physiology rooms



The facilities are composed of :

  •     3 rooms (blocks) equipped with anaesthesia and respiratory assistance equipments, including 1 room dedicated to the study of vascularisation (with a C-arm)
  •     1 training room for the management of 9 animals
  •     1 fasting room
  •     1 anaesthesia room
  •     5 post-intervention rooms accomodating up to 40 sheep/goats
  •     1 heated and air-conditioned pre/post-intervention room dedicated to pigs, equipped with 9 boxes which can accommodate from 9 to 20 animals depending on their weight.

The rooms can be equipped with electric scalpels, monitoring devices, laparoscopic surgery column and mobile equipment (3D-doppler ultrasound scanner, confocal laser endomicroscopy).


Laboratoire Analyses Moléculaires


The platform is equipped with laboratory areas dedicated to bioseparations (Electrophoresis, Chromatography) or sample preparation for proteomics/lipidomics.

Equipments :

  • MRI 3 Teslas scanner from Siemens (Magnetom Verio®)


  • CT-Scan from Siemens (Somatom® Definition AS 128)


  • C-arm from Siemens (Arcadis Avantic)
Amplificateur de brillance


  • Confocal laser endomicroscopy Cellvizio Dual Band® Mauna Kea Technologies
Cell Vizio


  • Kratoscope Keer Labs®



  • Ultrasond Ultrasonix SonixTouch®
Echographe 3D


  • MALDI-TOF RapifleX TissueTyper Mass spectrometer & Biotyper Bruker Daltonics
Rapiflex MALDI-TOF


  • LTQ Velos Pro Obitrap Mass spectrometer coupled to the nanoUPLC Ultimate 3000 RSLC system (Thermofisher)
UPLC-LTQ Velos Pro Orbitrap


  • Liquid chromatographer Evosep One Proteigene
Evosep One


  • Capillary UPLC Ultimate 3000 system Thermofisher
U3000 HPLC


  • ImagePrep sprayer Bruker Daltonics for mass spectrometry imaging
Robot Imageprep
  • ©Bruker
  • M5 sprayer HTX Technologies for mass spectrometry imaging
Robot M5 sprayer


  • Isoelectric focusing systems : IPGphor and Multiphor II (Amersham Biosciences) and Protean IEF cell (Biorad)
Protean IEF Cell


  • Electrophoresis systems : SE 660 (Amersham Biosciences) and Ettan DALT and Protean plus Dodeca Cell (Biorad)


  • Image analysis for gels 1D/2D : Doceda Stainers (Biorad) and ImageScanner (GE Healthcare)
Analyse d'image_scanner


Associated bioinformatics tools :

    • ProteinDiscoverer V2.1(ThermoFisher)
    • Mascot Server local V2.7 (Matrix Science)
    • Peaks Studio and Peaks viewer V7.0 (Bioinformatics solutions)
    • Progenesis MALDI V1.2 (Nonlinear Dynamics)
    • SIEVE V1.3 (ThermoFisher)
    • ProSight V4.0 (ThermoFisher)
    • ProMass (Thermofisher)
    • Scaffold Q+ V4.11(Proteome Software)
    • Scaffold PTM 3.3 (Proteome Software)
    • Scaffold PerSPECtives 3.1 (Proteome Software)
    • FlexAnalysis (Bruker)
    • ProteinScape (Bruker)
    • GlycoQuest (Bruker)
    • FlexImaging 5.0 (Bruker)
    • SCiLS Lab 2D/3D 2020(Bruker)
    • ClinProTools 3.0 (Bruker)
    • MALDI Biotyper 4.1 (Bruker)
    • Progenesis SameSpots
    • Total Lab Quant

Modification date: 01 August 2023 | Publication date: 06 October 2020 | By: VL