Analyse de rein de brebis par CT-scan


Tomodensitometry is a 3D imaging approach adapted to the analysis of whole bodies or organs in vivo or ex vivo and also to the analysis of objects.

Computed tomography (CT) is a technique that allows to produce images of animals or objects by measuring the absorption of X-ray beams that passes through the sample in different directions. Here the device consists of an X-ray generator and 64 row detectors (with a floating focus, meaning 128 sections) rotating around the sample. The data is processed by a computer which reconstructs cross-sectional views of the object.

schéma principe CT-scan

The collected data is then analysed by a computer in order to reconstruct cross-sectional 2D or 3D sample views.

Soil study highlighting major sedimentary transitions in the form of changes in density.

CT-scan carotte sols


Study of bone quality in laying hens as a function of diet and age.

CT-scan qualité de l'os


Study of the length of storage on the internal quality of the egg and embryonic development

CT-scan oeuf embryonné


To know the body composition in poultry species under two feeding conditions (with and without calcium intake)

CT-scan composition corporelle


In orange: muscle

In magenta: fat

Anatomical characterization in sheep selected in a divergent way on their feed efficiency.

CT anatomie ovin


CT anatomie ovin corps entier


CT anatomie ovin 3


Within the framework of a drug development in aerosol form, measurement of the abdominal cavity in piglets.

CT cavité abdominale porc


Follow-up of a loss of bone substance by a synthetic bone graft printed in 3D

CT os greffon