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Welcome to the PIXANIM Platform website.

Phenotyping & in/ex vivo Imaging from Animal to the Molecule

A platform dedicated to Animals for Agronomic and Medical Research, Training and Innovation.

PIXANIM Platform

The PIXANIM platform helps you in the functional exploration of the different biological systems of an animal, from the whole animal to the biomolecule, including all the intermediate scales.
PIXANIM offers you strategies with multiple imaging modalities and molecular analyses to finely phenotype these biological systems and characterize the mechanisms explaining these phenotypes.

NB: The implementation of experimental protocols requires prior ministerial authorisation for the project, including a favourable ethical assessment by the Centre Val de Loire's Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (CEEA).

The PIXANIM platform (Phenotyping & in/eX vivo Imaging from ANImal to the Molecule), labelled by the GIS IbiSA and certified ISO 9001 v 2015, is under the supervision of INRAE, and the co-supervision of the University of Tours and the CHU of Tours.

Since july 2021, PIXANIM was integrated into the new national Research Infrastructure (RI) named LiPh4SAS (Livestock Phenotyping for Sustainable Agro ecoSystems) offering phenotyping services for livestock (cattle, small ruminants, pigs and fish).

Based at the INRAE Val de Loire Centre (Nouzilly), PIXANIM is attached to the PHASE department (Animal Physiology and Breeding Systems) and hosted by the UMR PRC (Physiology of Reproduction and Behaviour; UMR INRAE 85, CNRS 7247, University of Tours, IFCE).
The platform is open to national, European and international collaborations.


01 August 2023

By: VL

New equipment arriving in June 2019 - mass spectrometry

On 18 June 2019, the MALDI-TOF Rapiflex TissueTyper mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) and the HTX M5 sprayer preparation robot (HTX Technologies) arrived at the laboratory.
On 26 September 2018, the French Academy of Agriculture rewarded Valérie Labas, and thus the entire PAIB team, for her remarkable work in cell phenotyping and molecular imaging for the discovery of new proteomic and lipidomic markers.

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